Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Group Discussion 4

Group Discussion 4

Q Instructions: • First, read through and play the "Parable of the Polygons (Links to an external site.)" (this should take 10-15 minutes). • Second, consider the following questions and respond to each of them: o Choose one of the three conclusions (small individual bias ? large collective bias; the past haunts the present; demand diversity near you). How does the game support this conclusion? o What are some important connections between the game and the texts we have read so far this module? ---------------------------------- Successful participation in the group discussions requires that the initial post and comments are submitted in a timely manner. The initial post should be at least 250 words long. There should be at least two responses, totaling at least 250 words. The contributions in the initial post as well as the comments should be substantial, rather than merely express unsubstantiated opinion, or merely say “agree” or “good point” or anything to that effect. The Group Discussions are graded using an abbreviated version of the rubric below. The full version of the rubric allows you to identify how you can improve on future assignments. Due to the social nature of these assignments, it is important that submissions are timely. Late submissions are accepted for a very limited time, with significant late penalties. Missed group discussions cannot be made up. Note that the assignments are first graded on their content using the rubric, after which standard deductions are manually applied. This means that the rubric always reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the submission. Standard deductions: Late penalties of -2 per day for late initial posts, for max. 2 days, then 0, and -2 per day for late comments, for max 2 days, then 0. ----------------------------------

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After playing and reading about the game “Parable of Polygons,” I realized that schools, organizations, and societies can be segregated even if nobody wants this to happen. While playing the game and trying to adjust individual action levels to produce a more integrated society, this appeared to be a huge challenge. Even if I tried hard enough to reduce the bias to almost zero, this did not produce an integrated neighborhood. According to this game, this is partly because neighbors also matter. Even though they may not intend to be biased, their actions also have an impact.